Get ready for blast off! With this free official NASA App, you and your students can take a journey into outer space without ever leaving the classroom. Your students are going to love NASA's public television channel, accessible within the app, which will "launch" them on their journey from classroom to Mercury, Jupiter and everything in between. The cool images and videos will definitely use their gravitational pull to engage all learners. Parents and teachers love NASA's app, too! This awesome app is a great resource to locate a wealth of knowledge about the space program and astronomy. We at BridgingApps, think you are going to love how this app reinforces topics you are introducing and teaching to your kids by presenting it in a plethora of ways such as through videos, photos, text and even through social media (Facebook and Twitter, if you choose). Daily NASA Tweets make it an easy way to stay in the orbit of the solar system. What we like about this app: * Great, colorful images * Daily updates with new information * Visual images that grab your learner's attention * Access to NASA's public television channel * Ability to use keyword search feature to locate information quickly What we would like to see: * Option to simplify displayed information * A version geared towards the primary-aged child Standards: Scientific investigation and reasoning - The student develops abilities to ask questions and seek answers in classroom and outdoor investigations. Students will conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving.