SentenceBuilder™ for iPad
$ 8.99
In-App purchases
By: Mobile Education Store LLC
Update: 09-30-2023
Supported Platforms
SentenceBuilder™ for iPad
The goal of SentenceBuilder for the iPad app is to help students create grammatically correct sentences using a rolling word wheel.
Students are presented with an image and then given instructions on how to make a sentence to describe it. Level 1 has the student choose the modifier and the verb. On level 2, the student chooses the modifier, verb and adjective. Within this level, the student is given 2, 3, or 5 choices on each wheel. Finally, level 3 gives the student choices of all the components; the modifier, verb and adjective with five choices in each picker wheel.
Depending upon the student, you can choose from three levels and track individual statistics by having the student log in via the settings tab. The statistics can then be emailed to a colleague or parent for data collection purposes. An additional feature is having the ability to turn on or off correct answer reinforcement and audio instructions.
As a teacher working with intellectually disabled high school students, our students have been able to work on level 1 using the teen module to make it more realistic and age appropriate. However, the app is rather dull and difficult to keep students focused on. We use the app as a tool to remember capitalization and punctuation. The app is helpful if you are looking for a basic introduction to sentence structure. A suggested activity to complement the app is to have students share sentences they create with a classmate or teacher so they can listen to the sentence structure for grammatical errors.
Common Core Standards:
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Possible IEP Goals:
When completing a writing assignment, the student will correctly use capital letters for the beginning of each sentence, proper nouns, titles and abbreviations.
When given written material, the student will identify action and linking verbs.
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