Big Bang Pictures
$ 34.99
In-App purchases
Update: 06-23-2020
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Big Bang Pictures
Developed in conjunction with specialist teachers in the field of visual impairment, the activities have been specially designed for use with children with low vision, including those with cerebral visual impairments and complex needs.
High contrast animated images and great sound effects designed to provide visual stimulation and to develop and assess visual preferences. With a choice of three styles of image and a choice of eight basic foreground and background colours, including black and white, these activities are ideal for assessment of picture recognition and colour preferences. They are also excellent visual activities for babies who really respond to the black and white options and sounds.
Also includes one and two switch options to provide access for users with motor difficulties who need to use switch inputs.
Comprehensive settings options make this a great tool for assessing visual preferences and image recognition offering control of:
• Image style - simply choose from one of three styles: silhouette, simple line art or complex line art.
• Pick from a choice of 8 background and foreground colours, including black and white.
• Choice of up to 21 images in each style with a variety of attention grabbing sound effects and music.
• Select suitable reward animation time.
• Single touch access for maximum cause and effect.
• Touch operated or use with one or two switch inputs (suitable switch interface required).
• Use two switch access option to allow users to step through pictures with one switch and then animate the choice by pressing a second switch.
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