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By: Grammaropolis LLC

Update: 07-01-2020

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Grammaropolis is a language arts app that includes original songs, videos, books and quizzes on the eight parts of speech. This app aligns with Common Core Standards and is great for ELL and general education students to build grammar skills. The free version includes only nouns, but the other 7 parts of speech can be purchased in-app. Each part of speech is taught through the videos, songs and stories. Then, students practice what they have learned by taking quizzes. Grammaropolis has fun, cartoon characters and great graphics that keep students engaged and learning. As students travel along through the app, they select one part of speech and then follow a map of different learning stages, each explaining the part of speech. When students work their way to mastery, they earn a certificate. Rather than following the maps, students can also navigate directly to categories and view videos, books, or quizzes for any part of speech. We trialed Grammaropolis with 3rd through 6th grade students. Teaching and practicing grammar can be an uninteresting topic. The students enjoyed the learning activities and were challenged with the quizzes. Grammaroplis is a quality app with a wealth of content. It does a great job of making sense of concepts that can often be difficult to understand. Common Core Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.3-10.1 Conventions of Standard English: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

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